Put a Healthy Lifestyle to the Test

healthy_girl_yv Eating well helps keep us healthy and active and thus improves our enjoyment of life. Good diets and eating habits are fundamental for proper growth and development and for the prevention of disease. A number of different and very serious health problems are caused by poor diets and poor nutrition. Many of these problems handicap people for their entire lives; some of them lead to death. Learning how to meet our nutritional needs throughout life by making good food choices for a healthful balanced diet can help us avoid or prevent many of these health problems. Eating well for good health requires a basic knowledge of foods and the nutrients they provide and an understanding of our nutritional needs throughout the various stages of life. With this knowledge we can practice good, life-long eating habits that will help us be as healthy as we can be.  http://www.feedingminds.org/fmfh/nutritionlessons/introduction/ These days, our hectic lives make it more and more difficult to maintain healthy food habits and lifestyles. This tends to leave our bodies vulnerable to new health risks every day. Without intending to harm ourselves, we are creating health problems now which could lead to future health issues. But eating healthy simply means giving our bodies what they need. Having foods that aid in the growth of the body, improve functions of the body, provide protection from diseases and help in building a strong immune system are the true purpose of food to our bodies. “Eating a healthy diet is far from simple, simply because humans are very complex beings. We may have it in the back of our minds that we are eating to fuel our bodies, but we actually make the majority of our food choices based on their enjoyment factor. In fact, eating is such an enjoyable experience that we often choose to eat foods that taste very good, but that don’t make us feel very good afterward. We also enjoy these foods so much that we eat more than our bodies actually need, which in turn makes us fat, unhappy and depressed. Many people do not even know how great it feels to eat a healthy meal, because they have been making bad food choices for too long. http://www.lifescript.com/diet-fitness/articles/archive/diet/eat-well/the_importance_of_healthy_eating_habits.aspx Creating a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to mean drastic changes. In fact, drastic changes almost always lead to failure. You can start the process of being healthy and weight loss now by adding a little more activity to your life. If you’re not ready for a structured program, start small. Every little bit counts and it all adds up to burning more calories. Making small changes in how you live each day can lead to big rewards, so figure out what you can to be healthy today. http://exercise.about.com/od/healthinjuries/a/healthylifestyl.htm Image source:  http://www.starcentralmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/3_healthy-girl.jpg

One response to “Put a Healthy Lifestyle to the Test

  1. Great post thanks for sharing your thoughts

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