Family Fitness Goals


How many times have we heard or said “when I was your age…?” No point in arguing about how things used to be; the future is always changing. Every generation has new obstacles and issues to deal with than their parents did and today is no different.

Our lifestyles today rely much more on technologically and modern conveniences than ever before, but also bring a less physically demanding lifestyle for all of us. To live in today’s hectic pace, most people need to actually find time to give our bodies the exercise we need. It’s our responsibility to help future generations learn the importance of a balanced lifestyle, enjoying life’s conveniences, but using our bodies to stay active and healthy. Here are some tips to put your family on path for a healthier future:

“Learn all that you can. You have a huge resource in the internet. You can find out about anything online… Use these resources to narrow down what you can change in your life to make it healthier…

“Talk to your family and set healthy lifestyle goals. The goals should be a consensus from the entire family and do not have to be done immediately. Just having the goals down will allow you to revisit each one at a later date and keep your family on the path you have set.

“Change or develop one habit a month. You’ll want to remember the phrase ‘slow and steady’ when working on changing a bad habit into a good one or developing a new habit. By choosing one habit at a time you will be able to focus on the best ways to incorporate that habit into your family’s daily schedule. Thirty days is the amount of time experts agree that it takes to form a habit. Use them all.

“Reward your family for a job well done with some fun family activity. Even if you haven’t included the habit fully into your family’s daily schedule, starting to commit to a healthier family is 70% of the battle and should be rewarded. Keep in mind the reward should stay inline with the healthy habits the family is striving to achieve.”

The most important thing is to stay connected to one another. Instilling the traditions and values you want to pass along to create a healthy future will give our next generation a direction to look back on and emulate in their changing world.

What’s Your Virtue is committed to cultivating a healthy lifestyle starting from the inside. We want to empower girls and women to respect themselves and reflect that in the appearance they portray to the world. Please visit our website to learn more about our company and products.

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