Can Virtues Become Habits?


In our society where having the latest technology, exploring sexuality, displaying shocking behavior, instant gratification and self-absorption are the norm, virtue isn’t a commonly used term. Defined as “morally good behavior or character,” virtue may not be the trending topic these days, but it is something we still recognize when we see people’s good actions. “Virtues are the very meaning and purpose of our lives – the content of our character and the truest expression of our souls.”

If we all possess the ability to display actions of virtue, why is it they seem so few and far between in society? From the famous explanation of Aristotle’s quote on virtue, Will Durant states, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Just as it takes practice to excel in anything, it takes practice of any virtue to make it our habit. Is that easier said than done though? We think not. “The same goes for the reverse: problems, failure, and other issues become habits, too. You’ll develop a talent for the things you repeatedly practice. Choose what they are wisely, or you may achieve excellence in something that doesn’t matter to you.”

Encouraging virtue in our society can be difficult when we are bombarded by media and peer pressure that tout the opposite, especially to today’s impressionable youth. Now more than ever, we need strong, practiced virtues to rely on in our loud, hectic lives. At What’s Your Virtue, we believe success in life is being happy from within; not trying to be what the world tells us we should be. It takes practice to develop any virtue, just as you would practice any sport, activity or skill to develop and become excellent. We encourage all girls and women to embrace virtues that will make them happy and find peace within them. “Virtue begins in the heart and in the mind. It is nurtured in the home. It is the accumulation of thousands of small decisions and actions.

As a company, not only do we work hard to create amazing, long-lasting lip gloss that help girls and women feel beautiful on the outside, but we also want to encourage women to remember the beautiful and virtuous aspects of who they are on the inside. We believe beauty begins from within just as virtue begins from within. We are dedicated to providing high quality lip products that support a positive message to all women. That’s why we have chosen the virtues of Kindness, Generosity, Wisdom, Simplicity, Devotion and Curiosity to represent our Lip Bliss product; virtues we believe are just a few of the qualities girls and women have a natural propensity for.

To learn more about our story, our Lip Bliss lip gloss or follow us in our quest to encourage girls and women to find their true beauty starting from the inside out, please visit our website.

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