Can Virtues Become Habits?


In our society where having the latest technology, exploring sexuality, displaying shocking behavior, instant gratification and self-absorption are the norm, virtue isn’t a commonly used term. Defined as “morally good behavior or character,” virtue may not be the trending topic these days, but it is something we still recognize when we see people’s good actions. “Virtues are the very meaning and purpose of our lives – the content of our character and the truest expression of our souls.”

If we all possess the ability to display actions of virtue, why is it they seem so few and far between in society? From the famous explanation of Aristotle’s quote on virtue, Will Durant states, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Just as it takes practice to excel in anything, it takes practice of any virtue to make it our habit. Is that easier said than done though? We think not. “The same goes for the reverse: problems, failure, and other issues become habits, too. You’ll develop a talent for the things you repeatedly practice. Choose what they are wisely, or you may achieve excellence in something that doesn’t matter to you.”

Encouraging virtue in our society can be difficult when we are bombarded by media and peer pressure that tout the opposite, especially to today’s impressionable youth. Now more than ever, we need strong, practiced virtues to rely on in our loud, hectic lives. At What’s Your Virtue, we believe success in life is being happy from within; not trying to be what the world tells us we should be. It takes practice to develop any virtue, just as you would practice any sport, activity or skill to develop and become excellent. We encourage all girls and women to embrace virtues that will make them happy and find peace within them. “Virtue begins in the heart and in the mind. It is nurtured in the home. It is the accumulation of thousands of small decisions and actions.

As a company, not only do we work hard to create amazing, long-lasting lip gloss that help girls and women feel beautiful on the outside, but we also want to encourage women to remember the beautiful and virtuous aspects of who they are on the inside. We believe beauty begins from within just as virtue begins from within. We are dedicated to providing high quality lip products that support a positive message to all women. That’s why we have chosen the virtues of Kindness, Generosity, Wisdom, Simplicity, Devotion and Curiosity to represent our Lip Bliss product; virtues we believe are just a few of the qualities girls and women have a natural propensity for.

To learn more about our story, our Lip Bliss lip gloss or follow us in our quest to encourage girls and women to find their true beauty starting from the inside out, please visit our website.

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Summer Makeup Essentials


If you’re looking for an easy, lighter look this summer, you’re in luck. This summer’s beauty trend is all about the lips! A simple sun-kissed face with glistening lips is all you need.

Lips may be a trend to some, but at What’s Your Virtue, we want every girl and woman to find her true inner beauty and for us it starts with lips. With our unparalleled hydrating formula, we have achieved the ideal blend of health-infusing moisture with the perfect degree of shine to offer a lip treatment your smile deserves. In addition to a good moisturizing lip gloss, here are some suggestions to achieve an easy, healthy and finished look this summer:

  • When it comes to summer beauty products, sunscreen is the only thing you should be laying on thick. Never leave home without it!
  • Not comfortable with a make-up free face? Try tinted moisturizer that evens the skin tone, adds radiance, but doesn’t feel heavy in the summer heat.
  • Don’t forget the color if you aren’t naturally sun kissed. Apply a bronzer with a light shimmer over the apples of your cheeks, across the bridge of your nose and on your temples to mimic where the sun naturally hits your face.
  • Want to achieve a more dramatic smokey eye, but still keep a lighter summer look? Pick a long-wearing cream-to-powder eye shadow in a glimmering shade to brighten and define your eyes.
  • Avoid dreaded raccoon eyes on a face-melting day by using water-resistant mascara as a base coat and then seal with clear mascara. Skip mascara on the bottom lid altogether, or just use clear to help your eyes stand out, but retain a fresh-faced look.
  • Apply a moisturizing lip gloss like Lip Bliss to keep your pucker protected and soft. Use alone for subtle glamor or as an overlay to your favorite shade of lipstick for extra drama.
  • Finish your look with tousled locks, sun hat and sunglasses to protect your eyes and skin, a favorite pair of sandals and you’re ready to dress up or down for any summer occasion.

What’s Your Virtue wants to help women reflect their true beauty starting from the inside out. To learn more about Lip Bliss, visit our website. We think you’ll agree, it’s the best moisturizing lip gloss available.

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Family Fitness Goals


How many times have we heard or said “when I was your age…?” No point in arguing about how things used to be; the future is always changing. Every generation has new obstacles and issues to deal with than their parents did and today is no different.

Our lifestyles today rely much more on technologically and modern conveniences than ever before, but also bring a less physically demanding lifestyle for all of us. To live in today’s hectic pace, most people need to actually find time to give our bodies the exercise we need. It’s our responsibility to help future generations learn the importance of a balanced lifestyle, enjoying life’s conveniences, but using our bodies to stay active and healthy. Here are some tips to put your family on path for a healthier future:

“Learn all that you can. You have a huge resource in the internet. You can find out about anything online… Use these resources to narrow down what you can change in your life to make it healthier…

“Talk to your family and set healthy lifestyle goals. The goals should be a consensus from the entire family and do not have to be done immediately. Just having the goals down will allow you to revisit each one at a later date and keep your family on the path you have set.

“Change or develop one habit a month. You’ll want to remember the phrase ‘slow and steady’ when working on changing a bad habit into a good one or developing a new habit. By choosing one habit at a time you will be able to focus on the best ways to incorporate that habit into your family’s daily schedule. Thirty days is the amount of time experts agree that it takes to form a habit. Use them all.

“Reward your family for a job well done with some fun family activity. Even if you haven’t included the habit fully into your family’s daily schedule, starting to commit to a healthier family is 70% of the battle and should be rewarded. Keep in mind the reward should stay inline with the healthy habits the family is striving to achieve.”

The most important thing is to stay connected to one another. Instilling the traditions and values you want to pass along to create a healthy future will give our next generation a direction to look back on and emulate in their changing world.

What’s Your Virtue is committed to cultivating a healthy lifestyle starting from the inside. We want to empower girls and women to respect themselves and reflect that in the appearance they portray to the world. Please visit our website to learn more about our company and products.

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Our Lip Bliss™ Video!!!…

Lip Bliss™ hydrating lip gloss created by What’s Your Virtue?® comes in 6 different positive messages for every young miss, teen and young adult who wants to show their virtue.

Our hydrating lip balm product is available at retailers across the U.S. as well as a location South Africa and the Philippines. You may also find our product at Be sure to “Like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

What’s Your Virtue?® – “Happy Lips Start Here!”

Your Beauty Comes From Within You!…


When you purchase our Lip Bliss™ by What’s Your Virtue? hydrating lip gloss, you are giving a birthday or holiday gift that sends a positive message young girls and teens . Our hydrating lip balm comes in 6 different varieties that women of all age can appreciate!

Look for our Lip Bliss™ line at these retail outlets across the U.S, Philippines, South Africa and at

(Image Source: Teen Librarian Toolbox)

Building Self-Esteem By Stopping Hate

ImageBrowsing the web can be irritating: all the drama on Facebook, the nonsense posted on Twitter, pictures with too much Photoshopping, and negative news, surfing the web is disheartening. With all the negativity online, you do find acts of kindness, cute photos of puppies, and positive messages in videos that help make life a little better. While surfing the web, we ran into a few positive and extremely cool websites out there that we’ll be sharing with you in the weeks ahead that you will want to bookmark. Offering inspiration, they will uplift you and put a smile on your lips.

The first site we want to share is We Stop Hate, a non-profit founded by Emily Anne Rigal from New York. She started this organization as a way to bring awareness to teenage bullying and build self-esteem among her peers. The site is for teens and is completely run by teens. You can keep up with them on Facebook and Twitter.

What’s Your Virtue?® strives to promote send positive messages to teens all over the world, we accomplish that with our Lip Bliss™ line of hydrating lip gloss products found at retailers all over the US and overseas. If you have tried Lip Bliss™ let us know what your thoughts are in the comments below, send us a tweet or post a comment on our Facebook page.


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Give Back By Volunteering

ImageOne of the objectives at What’s Your Virtue?® is to bring a positive message to preteen and junior teens girls in the U.S. and the world with our Lip Bliss™ line of  hydrating lip gloss. We know it is critical to lift a positive message to youthful men too.

Accomplishing great character attributes and qualities are paramount in growing to become a positive force in your community. Devoting a few hours to volunteer with the elderly, the homeless or a food distribution center builds character and fellowship among your peers. We found this article in Teen Vogue online offering some diverse stories on how teens and college kids school have decided how they are giving back and how you can as well.

What’s Your Virtue?® Lip Bliss™ lip hydrating gloss is sold through our retail partners across the United States and overseas. You may order online by clicking the link found in the lower right hand corner on our website. Follow our twitter updates and “Like” us on Facebook!

Remember “Happy Lips Start Here!”

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A Quiz To Determine Your Virtues


Everybody at What’s Your Virtue? believes in sending positive messages to energetic young women everywhere through our Lip Bliss line of hydrating lip balm. We happened to find an online quiz that asks the question “What virtue are you?”, and thought it would be a fascinating way for you to see what your virtues could be.

Humans are usually virtuous people. Every last one of us are capable of anything from quietness to boldness. Inside every one of us is an ideal that holds accurate in every situation. This quiz offers a variety of real life situations that help decipher which of your goals control over all others. It is safe to say that you are giving, respectable, determined? Take this quiz to reveal which is your best virtue?

Discover more about What’s Your Virtue? along with our positive message line of hydrating lip gloss things by visiting and liking our Facebook page.

Friday’s Positive Message


Please visit our website for our complete line of Lip Bliss lip gloss….follow us on Facebook

Hydrating Lip Gloss from What’s Your Virtue®

Give your lips the forethought and consideration they merit with Lip Bliss™ from What’s Your Virtue®. Right away you can delight in iridescent gleam, without stickiness, while extraordinarily enhancing the strength of your lips.

Our unique hydrating lip ointment recipe joins together cranberry, safflower, castor seed and peppermint oils, on top of the included profits of anti-oxidants, vitamin E and green tea – to make the ideal offset of moisture and sparkle. If utilized alone for unobtrusive fabulousness, or as an overlay to your favorite shade of lipstick to include additional shine, we think you’ll concur this is the best lip sparkle accessible. Treat your lips today!