Our Story…


Everything began a few years prior when a mother with teen and preteen girls went on a shopping outing. The mother was made distinctly conscious of what beauty items were accessible to buy. She was stunned at the suggestive names found on various brands of lip gloss. She didn’t feel it was fitting for her 13 year old girl to put such messaging in her pocket, in addition to on her lips.

The mother drove home with no lip gloss, yet with a yearning to make a difference. In the wake of teaming up with two friends, a thought was destined to make a gleam lip gloss with a positive message for her young girls, as well as for ladies all over.

Enter What’s Your Virtue?, an business established by three ladies who know that beauty begins from inside. We need to help all ladies to remember the basic and prudent things in life. What better spot to begin than on your lips?

After several years of diligent work and examination, those three ladies are eager to at last enter the commercial center with their own particular hydrating lip gloss, Lip Bliss™ – an extraordinary item with a far and away superior message.

We want your lips to be as cheerful as our own.

Amy, Molly & Sara