Can Virtues Become Habits?


In our society where having the latest technology, exploring sexuality, displaying shocking behavior, instant gratification and self-absorption are the norm, virtue isn’t a commonly used term. Defined as “morally good behavior or character,” virtue may not be the trending topic these days, but it is something we still recognize when we see people’s good actions. “Virtues are the very meaning and purpose of our lives – the content of our character and the truest expression of our souls.”

If we all possess the ability to display actions of virtue, why is it they seem so few and far between in society? From the famous explanation of Aristotle’s quote on virtue, Will Durant states, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Just as it takes practice to excel in anything, it takes practice of any virtue to make it our habit. Is that easier said than done though? We think not. “The same goes for the reverse: problems, failure, and other issues become habits, too. You’ll develop a talent for the things you repeatedly practice. Choose what they are wisely, or you may achieve excellence in something that doesn’t matter to you.”

Encouraging virtue in our society can be difficult when we are bombarded by media and peer pressure that tout the opposite, especially to today’s impressionable youth. Now more than ever, we need strong, practiced virtues to rely on in our loud, hectic lives. At What’s Your Virtue, we believe success in life is being happy from within; not trying to be what the world tells us we should be. It takes practice to develop any virtue, just as you would practice any sport, activity or skill to develop and become excellent. We encourage all girls and women to embrace virtues that will make them happy and find peace within them. “Virtue begins in the heart and in the mind. It is nurtured in the home. It is the accumulation of thousands of small decisions and actions.

As a company, not only do we work hard to create amazing, long-lasting lip gloss that help girls and women feel beautiful on the outside, but we also want to encourage women to remember the beautiful and virtuous aspects of who they are on the inside. We believe beauty begins from within just as virtue begins from within. We are dedicated to providing high quality lip products that support a positive message to all women. That’s why we have chosen the virtues of Kindness, Generosity, Wisdom, Simplicity, Devotion and Curiosity to represent our Lip Bliss product; virtues we believe are just a few of the qualities girls and women have a natural propensity for.

To learn more about our story, our Lip Bliss lip gloss or follow us in our quest to encourage girls and women to find their true beauty starting from the inside out, please visit our website.

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Make A Difference For Your Daughter


Do you have a daughter? Are you scared to death of what they are learning in the world we are raising them in? Believe us, you’re not alone! Especially in the cosmetic industry, we see our share of images and ideas that are presented to today’s girls and it deeply concerns us. In fact, the over sexualized negative messages being sent out to girls and woman is how What’s Your Virtue came to be. Finding explicit and suggestive names on numerous brands of lip gloss when shopping for her daughter, a mother didn’t feel it was appropriate for her 13 year old daughter to put such messaging in her pocket, let alone on her lips. The mother went home with no lip gloss, but with a strong desire to make a difference.

The world girls face today is different than ever before. “Girls coming of age in the 21st Century have more opportunities than any of the generations that preceded them. But they also face an array of pressures that are unprecedented. Girls are expected to become corporate executives and brain surgeons and Supreme Court justices, but they’re also expected to be beautiful and sexy—more so than ever before. Which is why raising healthy, happy daughters has become more challenging, not less.”

The message conveyed by peers, media and business may be that women are perfect, smart, beautiful and sexy, but most women feel inadequate to reach that perceived expectation, let alone todays girls growing up indoctrinated by these messages. “Nearly half of the nation’s girls are unhappy with their bodies. An obsession with thinness is affecting not only high-school girls, but also their younger sisters. According to the Center for Disease Control and National Association of Eating Disorders, by age 6 girls start to express concerns about their own weight or shape. Additionally, around half of elementary school girls are concerned about their weight or about becoming too fat.

“However, there is also some good news. Girls are playing sports more, dancing more and studying martial arts — and these activities can help them develop assertiveness and healthy relationships with their bodies. But parents remain rightfully concerned for their girls. Even if your family follows healthy eating and exercise habits, there are still many societal pressures influencing girls today.”

In addition, PBS Parents gives some helpful points to help parents support their daughters in having a positive body image (see above hyperlink for additional details):

  • Think about the messages you are giving your daughter.
  • Talk about who your daughter is instead of how she looks.
  • Talk about what women look like in the media.
  • Make clothes choices that protect their girlhood.

What’s Your Virtue stands behind supporting a positive self-image and message for girls and women everywhere. We believe beauty starts from within and want to remind all women of the simple and virtuous things in life. To learn more about our positive message and products for girls and women, please visit our website.

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Summer Makeup Essentials


If you’re looking for an easy, lighter look this summer, you’re in luck. This summer’s beauty trend is all about the lips! A simple sun-kissed face with glistening lips is all you need.

Lips may be a trend to some, but at What’s Your Virtue, we want every girl and woman to find her true inner beauty and for us it starts with lips. With our unparalleled hydrating formula, we have achieved the ideal blend of health-infusing moisture with the perfect degree of shine to offer a lip treatment your smile deserves. In addition to a good moisturizing lip gloss, here are some suggestions to achieve an easy, healthy and finished look this summer:

  • When it comes to summer beauty products, sunscreen is the only thing you should be laying on thick. Never leave home without it!
  • Not comfortable with a make-up free face? Try tinted moisturizer that evens the skin tone, adds radiance, but doesn’t feel heavy in the summer heat.
  • Don’t forget the color if you aren’t naturally sun kissed. Apply a bronzer with a light shimmer over the apples of your cheeks, across the bridge of your nose and on your temples to mimic where the sun naturally hits your face.
  • Want to achieve a more dramatic smokey eye, but still keep a lighter summer look? Pick a long-wearing cream-to-powder eye shadow in a glimmering shade to brighten and define your eyes.
  • Avoid dreaded raccoon eyes on a face-melting day by using water-resistant mascara as a base coat and then seal with clear mascara. Skip mascara on the bottom lid altogether, or just use clear to help your eyes stand out, but retain a fresh-faced look.
  • Apply a moisturizing lip gloss like Lip Bliss to keep your pucker protected and soft. Use alone for subtle glamor or as an overlay to your favorite shade of lipstick for extra drama.
  • Finish your look with tousled locks, sun hat and sunglasses to protect your eyes and skin, a favorite pair of sandals and you’re ready to dress up or down for any summer occasion.

What’s Your Virtue wants to help women reflect their true beauty starting from the inside out. To learn more about Lip Bliss, visit our website. We think you’ll agree, it’s the best moisturizing lip gloss available.

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It’s Not Just A Winter Thing


With summertime weather coming, be prepared to start getting chapped lips. It’s not just a winter thing. Lips don’t have glands to keep them moisturized, which is why they can become easily chapped. When the weather warms up and we have more exposure to the sun and heat, we get more easily dehydrated. Our lips can’t moisturize or protect themselves and chapped lips are the result.

To avoid summertime chapped lips, it’s important to stay hydrated, apply a sunscreen to your lips and seal them with a lip balm throughout the day rather than licking to prevent excessive moisture loss. A weekly lip scrub treatment can help keep your lips soft. Here’s a simple, inexpensive recipe you can make at home using ingredients you probably already have:

½ tsp. honey

½ tsp. granular white or brown sugar

½ tsp. citrus juice (lime, lemon, orange, grapefruit, etc. – your preference)

In a small glass bowl, mix the honey and sugar together until fully combined. Add the citrus and stir until it is a syrupy consistency. Using your fingertip, cover your lips with the scrub and gently rub it in for up to a minute. The sugar acts as an exfoliant, the citrus rejuvenates the skin and honey is a natural antibacterial cleanser. Remove with water, pat dry and then apply sunscreen, lip balm, lipstick, etc. Of course, we think Lip Bliss is best! Cover and keep at room temperature to use for several applications. If your lips are already chapped to the point of cracking, you may want to just use sugar and honey until they heal a little before adding citrus that will sting and be painful on cracked lips. One last word of caution… don’t be surprised if you find yourself wanting to lick it off, because it’s delicious!  (

At What’s Your Virtue, we have created a product which will give your lips the care and attention they deserve. Our unique hydrating lip balm formula combines cranberry, safflower, castor seed and peppermint oils, along with the added benefits of anti-oxidants, vitamin E and green tea extract. These create the perfect balance of moisture and shine. We think you’ll agree this is the best lip gloss available. Visit our website and learn how you can treat your lips today.

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Lip Gloss Addicts Unite


Your appearance says a lot about you. What girl doesn’t want to look and feel her best? We want to look presentable to the world and be noticed for our natural beauty inside and out. Most of us need a little help in the “natural” part of our beauty regimen though. Once we leave our home looking the part we want to reflect, touching up our lip gloss throughout the day or night is just part of a girl’s upkeep. The shimmer, the scents, the variety of colors in lip gloss are endless.

There is just something about lip gloss that finishes a look! But have you ever been accused of being a lip gloss addict? Lip balms are in high demand and many women will simply not be without their lip gloss. Luckily for us, there are known health reasons why you should be using a lip covering. Lips do not have sebaceous glands which keep skin moisturized. This is why lips can become easily chapped. The outer skin of the lips has a protective coating called the stratum corneum, which is much thinner than it is anywhere else on your body. This skin sheds about every 28 days. Your lips also do not have melanin, the pigment that makes you tan and acts as protection against UV rays. Using an oil-based lubricating cream or balm containing petrolatum or beeswax with sunscreen can protect your lips and act as a buffer from UV rays, drying elements and humidity.

Here are some other helpful hints to protect your lips:

  • Use a scarf to cover your lips when it’s cold and dry. (Source: Mayo Clinic)
  • Stay hydrated with water and use a humidifier. (Source: Mayo Clinic)
  • See a doctor if chapping is severe or doesn’t improve. There could be an underlying problem. (Source: Mayo Clinic)

At What’s Your Virtue, we have created a product which will give your lips the care and attention they deserve. You can enjoy luminous shine, without stickiness, while greatly improving the health of your lips. Our unique hydrating lip balm formula combines cranberry, safflower, castor seed and peppermint oils, along with the added benefits of anti-oxidants, vitamin E and green tea extract. These create the perfect balance of moisture and shine. Whether used alone for subtle glamour or as an overlay to your favorite shade of lipstick for extra drama, we think you’ll agree this is the best lip gloss available. Visit our website and learn how you can treat your lips today.


Too Busy For Sleep?


No matter how busy our lives get, the hours in a day remain only 24 and our bodies continue to need to get enough sleep. Everyone has a different amount of sleep our bodies require to function properly, but how many of us get the sleep our body needs every night? Inevitably in our hectic modern lifestyles, we are increasingly getting less and less sleep. We stay up later to unwind from our day or have alone time, overextend ourselves and sacrifice sleep to catch up or get ahead on things we have fallen behind. And as if we don’t live in a 24/7 lifestyle enough as it is, many of us sleep next to our devices which stay on, alerting us through the night of new mail, messages, actions and posts.

“The physical and psychological benefits of sleep are well documented – during a full night’s sleep, our body is actively recovering from the day and preparing ourselves for the next one. The body goes through processes that repair our muscles, organize and store our memories, and release hormones that control appetite and our internal clock. In fact, studies have shown that it’s important to get a full night’s sleep after learning something to properly process and retain that information.”

“You might be able to scrape by on 5-6 hours of sleep a night, or even less, thinking you will drink some more coffee in the afternoon and sleep in on the weekend. In the long run, these aren’t real solutions; your body is not fooled and will rebel at the neglect. Chronic sleep deficiency can have serious mental and physical consequences, both on a daily basis and in the long term. There is always something else to do, but sleep is as important to your health as food and water; you should no more be skipping sleep than skipping meals and starving yourself of proper nutrition.”

Dr. Charles Czeisler, head of the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, says “America is chronically sleep deprived… Sleep is the third pillar of health, along with exercise and eating well… We are at the same place (today in learning about the effects of lack of sleep) that (we were) on health 50 years ago (with regard to the impact of smoking) … Finally there was enough evidence that the surgeon general issued a report indicating smoking was hazardous to people’s health.”

That’s a pretty powerful statement! The conclusion? Sleep deprivation is hazardous to our health. So when we stay up late to get things done or have some down time, remember you actually aren’t doing anyone any favors. It would be better to give your body the sleep it desperately needs to give your body and brain a chance to recharge. In the long run, our physical, mental and emotional capacities will improve and give us a leg up in our hectic lifestyles.

Sneak Peek of WYV Tax Relief Giveaway Basket

Tax Relief Giveaway

For those who have not entered for a chance to win, here’s a sneak peek at the tax relief goodies that are in our giveaway basket!

Farmhouse Fresh – We love these adorable soap bars and are so excited to share them with others! Keep them in your bathroom for decoration or use. They feel great and smell wonderful!

Relax & Wax – It’s a great product and it really works! I am sold on this forever!! As you know, I am hooked on names so I love Get the Bump Outta Here and so will you!

Bio Oil – We were just introduced to Bio Oil in Chicago so have been using this for product for the past couple of weeks. I’m not sure how I managed to live without this oil! This product is great for scars and really dry skin. In my house, we deal with both so this is a heaven sent product!!

ViaBuff– These scrubbing buffs are simply the best! You’ll love it!

Hotshotz – These reusable heat packs may be small, but they are awesome!

Morphe Make Up Brushes – We LOVE make-up brushes and if you’re anything like us, you can never have too many.  You will receive a full set of brushes, a palette of neutral eye shadows, a palette of concealer and a palette of blushes. What’s not to LOVE?

Bed Head Hard Head Hair Spray – An amazing hair spray that really holds it in place!

Tassi – An amazing way of getting your hair up and out of your way when necessary. You will fall in love with this!

A tube of Lip Bliss™ – Happy Lips Start Here!

The giveaway ends on April 30, 2014 which means, there’s only 5 days left to enter! Enter by liking us on Facebook and/or Twitter! Feel free to share with your friends and family!

One lucky winner will be notified via email on May 1, 2014. Good Luck to all of you!!

What’s Your Virtue’s Tax Relief Giveaway

What’s Your Virtue’s Tax Relief Giveaway

What’s Your Virtue has decided to offer you, your friends and family a chance to win our tax relief giveaway basket!  With all of the stresses that come along with tax season, this spa basket will help you find some time for yourself and get the relaxation you deserve!  Our giveaway is going on now through the end of April and the lucky winner will be drawn on May 1st! Follow us on Twitter, spread the word and enter for a chance to win here:

For more information on our tax relief giveaway or find out more about our Lip Bliss collection, visit us online at!

The Benefits of Laughing and Smiling

Endorphins are released every time you smile. Endorphins make us feel happy and less stressed. Even faking a smile works like a real smile does. Releasing this chemical helps you feel happier and more relaxed.

Chronic pain sufferers find that laughing and smiling can help them with pain management due to the release of endorphins, similar to laughing when you hit your funny bone.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that is reduced when endorphins are released. Cortisol is what gives us the unpleasant feelings when we are anxious or stressed.

Laughing helps exercise the body by expanding our lungs and replenishing the oxygen count in the cells and stretching the muscles in our body.

Laughing helps us release bottled up emotions. After a laugh everything looks a little better and you can approach situations more positively.

Having a positive and happy expression will help you in your professional life also. When you smile and give off a relaxed vibe, it indicates confidence and the ability to handle stressful situations. This will help with building a good repertoire with employees and employers.

For uplifting, inspiring and positive messages follow us on Twitter!

10 Tips to Increase Self Confidence

1. Stand with confidence: If you stand with confidence long enough, your mind will be convinced.

2. Listen to people: Smile when someone is talking, look them in eyes, listen intently and learn from their confident attributes.

3. Forget about the perfect body image: Comparing yourself to the magazine image of females is the perfect way to low self-esteem.        Be friendly, approachable and unique. Know your best attributes and use them. Believe you are attractive and you will soon find out that others believe it to.

4. Follow your heart: People are quick to tell you how you ‘should’ live your life or look, when realistically it’s an expression of their own shortcomings. Don’t allow their shortcomings to negatively affect your life.

5. Set goals for yourself: Nothing builds confidence faster than achieving your goals. Write them down and make them happen.

6. Don’t be afraid to challenge your beliefs: Examine your life and desires. Closely determine if your beliefs match, if not, don’t be afraid to make a change. 

7. Find your inner hero: Write down all of the qualities that you admire in your peers. After writing these qualities, you will truly see the person you want to become.

8. Find your groove: Stay near the qualities that motivate you and fill your life with them. Motivational immersion is a quick way to achieve your goals.

9. Understand that a greater power may exist: I believe it is safe to assume that the majority of society believes in a greater power then themselves. The belief in a power greater than yourself gives you the feeling that you can believe in miracles and that you are not alone.

10. Execute: Making simple changes in your life will help you become the women you want to be. Be patient, as changes take time to come to fruition.